Conferences supported by the Bézout Labex

Here are some research conferences and schools of general interest that were supported (and, in most cases, co-organized) by the Bézout Labex.


April 29-May 3rd, 2024 – Shapes and Shades –

May 26-30, 2024 – Analyse Fractale et Multifractale –

June 12-13, 2024 – Contact Process workshop

June 17-21, 2024 – Topological Methods in Combinatorics

June 24-24, 2024 – ACOTCA 2024


November 27- December 1st, 2023 – JMBS 2023 – Journées Math Bio Santé 2023 – Université Gustave Eiffel. Champs sur Marne

September 14-15, 2023 : New Monge Problems and Applications A 2-day conference on computational optimal transport and its applications will be held in Université Gustave Eiffel Auditorium Georges Perec. Champs sur Marne

July 3-14, 2023 : Harmonic and Multifractal Analyses : From Mathematics to Quantitative Neurosciences – Centre de Recherches Mathématiques – Montréal (Canada)

June 26-30, 2023 Multifractal Analysis and self-similarity : CIRM – Marseille (France)

June 26-28, 2023 CPM 2023 34th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching – Université Gustave Eiffel. Champs sur Marne

June 26-30, 2023 : MCM 2023 – The biennial International Conference on Monte Carlo Methods and Applications (MCM) – Paris

June 8-9, 2023: Stéphane Jaffard’s birthday – Séminaire Parisien d’Analyse Multifractale – Institut Henri Poincaré – Paris

June 7-9, 2023 Interactions between geometry and topology – OBSERVATOIRE OCEANOLOGIQUE  – Banyuls/Mer (France)

January 21, 2023: Remise des prix du Concours SMF Junior 2022 – Institut Henri Poincaré – Paris


November 11-13, 2022: Workshop “Open Science, a landscape under construction with a horizon of possibilities” Centro Internacional de Encuentros Matemáticos (CIEM) Castro Urdiales, Cantabria, Spain

June 07-10, 2022: Phenomena in High Dimension – in Institut Henri Poincaré – Paris

June 2-5, 2022: 23ème édition Salon culture et jeux mathématiques – in Paris

March 16-18, 2022: 150 ans de la SMF – in Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris.


May 26-28, 2021: Conference of Numerical Probability in honour of Gilles Pagès’ 60th birthday – Sorbonne Université in Paris.

May 27-30, 2021: 22ème édition Salon et jeux mathématiques. It was held online.

July 7-9, 2021: Eurandom 2021 in Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris.

July 19 -August 27, 2021: Cemracs 2021 – CIRM in Marseille.


September 7-11, 2020: Random Polymers and Networks – IGESA Porquerolles

March 09-13, 2020: Computational geometry days – CIRM in Marseille.


October 21st – December 13th: SAFAIS 2019 – Spaces of Analytic Functions, Approximation, Interpolation sampling, Barcelona, Spain.

October 2019: Forum des jeunes mathématiciennes : Geometry and interactions, Institut Henri Point Carré, Paris.

October 14-18, 2019: Interactions EDP/Probabilités, CIRM, Marseille.

July 15-19, 2019: 1st Joint meeting Brazil-France in Mathemaltics IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

June 03-07, 2019: Walking through the Brownian zoo, Campus des Cordeliers, Paris.

March 25-29, 2019: Conference for the 60th birthday of Jean-Yves Chemin at IHP, Paris.

Feb 2, 2019: Award ceremony for the junior competition of SMF (French Mathematical Society), Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris.


July 16-27, 2018: CIMPA 2018 on geometry and scaling of random structures, Buenos Aires, Argentina

June 25-28, 2018: RFIAP-CFPT 2018, Cité Descartes, Paris-Est Marne la Vallée, France

June 18-22, 2018: School on low-dimensional geometry and topology: discrete and algorithmic aspects, IHP, Paris, France

May 28-June 1, 2018: First Franco-Dutch workshop, Eindhoven, Netherlands

21-25 May 2018: Random Matrices and their Applications, Kyoto, Japan

March 14-19, 2018: Tournée de Pi, Paris, Lyon, Marseille, France


July 31-11 August 11, 2017:
CIMPA 2017 on harmonic analysis, geometric measure theory and applications, Buenos Aires, Argentina

June 27-30, 2017: CIAA 2017, the 22nd International Conference on implementation and application of automata, UPEM, France

June 19-22, 2017: Advanced Course Conference in Operator Theory and Complex Analysis, Madrid, Spain

March 26-29, 2017:
Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire (Jean-Yves Thibon’s 60th birthday), Ottrot, France

March 14-19, 2017:
Tournée de Pi, Paris, Lyon, Marseille, France


November 24,2016:  DGMM4CV, a workshop on Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology for Computer Vision, takes place in Taipe (Taiwan)

September 12-23, 2016:  A two week workshop “From KPZ to KPZ” in Corsica

June 6-10, 2016: Premier congrès de la Société de Mathématiques de France in Tours (France)

March 21-25, 2016: Conference dedicated to the scientific legacy of Marcel-Paul Schützenberger, Bordeaux (France)

February 3, 2016: Perspectives and new challenges in data science at UPEM


October 26-30, 2015: Convexity, Probability and Discrete Structures, a Geometric point of view at UPEM

October 1st, 2015: Text Analysis at UPEM

September 19-25, 2015: Fractals and Related Fields III  in Porquerolles, France

June 25-26, 2015: Algorithmics Bioinformatics and Statistics for NGS Data Analysis at the Curie Institute in Paris

June 8-10, 2015: Statistics and quantum physics at UPEM

May 18-22, 2015: Spring School on Discrete Ricci Curvature at Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris

April 8-10, 2015: Systèmes Dynamiques, Automates et Algorithmes du GDR IM  at the University Paris-Est Marne la Vallée

January 19-23, 2015: Winter School on Combinatorial and Algorithmic Aspects of Convexity at the Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris.

January 6-9, 2015: Random Matrices and their Applications in Hong-Kong


October 8-10, 2014:  From Martingales to Dynamical Systems in UPEM – The workshop “From martingales to dynamical systems” taking place at the university of Marne-La-Vallée on  October 8th-10th, 2014 and supported in part by the Labex Bézout was the occasion for specialists in probability theory, dynamical systems and ergodic theory to meet and exchange ideas about possible interactions between their fields and new research perspectives.

September 2014:  Advances Analysis for Risk Modelling in Marseille – The conference “Advances Analysis for Risk Modelling” gathered in Luminy around 50 researchers on the following topics: building more robust methods for risk management, modeling interactions between financial institutions and providing efficient numerical procedures to compute risk exposure.

September 2014:  5th EPFL-UPEMLV workshop on Information Theory and Large Random Matrices – The Labex supported the 5th edition of the EPFL-UPEMLV workshop on Information Theory and Large Random Matrices that took place at Lausanne in September 2014. The goal of this workshop, co-organized by members of the Labex and researchers of EPFL, is to foster positive interactions between researchers of both communities.

June 12, 2014: Data Science and Massive Data Analysis – The Labex organized on June 12th 2014 a workshop devoted to data science and massive data analysis. Around the talks of a number of researchers from academia and from the industry, the goal of this workshop was to contribute to the discussions and exchanges that are necessary to the development of research and technologies in data science and massive data analysis.

9th Peyresq Summer School on Signal and Image Processing – The Labex supported the 2014 edition of the Peyresq Summer School on Signal and Image Processing organized by Gretsi. In 2014, the school was devoted to High-Dimensional Signal Processing, and its technical program was supervised by a member of the Labex.

Numerical Methods for High-Dimensional Problems – The Labex supported the workshop Numerical Methods for High-Dimensional Problems organized at ENPC by members of the Labex. The purpose of the workshop was to provide an overview of different numerical techniques that are able to circumvent the curse of dimensionality.


June 8-21, 2013: Conference DLT : Developments in Language Theory – DLT 2013 was the 17th International Conference on Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2013). It took place at Université Paris-Est, France, on June 18-21, 2013. The purpose of this international regular conference is to bring together members of the academic, research, and industrial community who have an interest in formal languages, automata theory, and related areas. The DLT 2013 edition was chaired by Marie-Pierre Béal (Université Paris-Est) with Olivier Carton (Université Paris-Diderot) as co-chair. Exactly 34 regular papers were selected and about 85 participants attended the conference. The proceedings have been published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series (LNCS) and extended versions of selected papers from the proceedings will appear in a special issue of the International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science (IJFCS).

June 13, 2013: GDR IM Workshop 2013 – The 8th workshop of the Digital Geometry Working Group, which is one of the 16 working groups of the French Research Group of Computer Sciences and Mathematics (GDR-IM), was co-organized by LIGM and LIAFA (Université Paris Diderot) on June 13th, 2013. Digital Geometry aims to study proper geometric models on the integer space and to design efficient algorithms for digital shape analysis and synthesis

June 3-7, 2013:  Automata Theory and Symbolic Dynamics – PIMS Automata Theory and Symbolic Dynamics Workshop 2013 was a one-week workshop at UBC in Vancouver. The aim was to bring together mathematicians working in symbolic dynamics and computer scientists working in automata theory, as well as those working on the interface, to identify new challenges at the intersection of the two fields. Marie-Pierre Béal (Université Paris-Est) was a co-organizer with Christiane Frougny (Université Paris-Diderot), Brian Marcus (UBC Vancouver), and Christophe Reutenauer (University of Quebec in Montreal). About 55 participants including many young researchers attended the conference. The detailed program is available on .

July 22-August 30, 2013: CEMRACS 2013 – The CEMRACS is a six week summer school organized each year by the French Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics at CIRM. In 2013, T. Lelièvre (CERMICS) was a co-organizer with N. Champagnat (INRIA Nancy) and A. Nouy (Ecole Centrale de Nantes). About 90 participants attended the first week of lectures, and 37 young researchers then worked during 5 weeks on 16 research projects financed by industries and public funding. This event was a big success thanks in particular to very fruitful collaborations between probabilists, analysts and numerical analysts.

November 18-22, 2013: Discrete Curvature : Theory and Applications – The aim of this summer school is to bring together researchers from diverse backgrounds on the common problem of discrete curvature and make an update on the many achievements of the last decade.


January 9-13, 2012: Winter School on discrete Fourier analysis, influences, and the Fourier Entropy Influence Conjecture.