Visit of professor Alejandro MAAS

February – May 2012 : The professor Alejandro Maass (University of Chile) was invited by Bernard Host for four months from February to May 2012, two of which were financed by the Labex. This was a very fruitful visit. He gave a colloquium Math-info in Marne on “Rigidity results in cellular automata theory: probabilistic and combinatorics approach » and lectures in the seminar of ergodic theory in Paris 6 and in the seminar Math-Info in Paris 7 with people from the computer science department of Marne in the audience. He also pursued his scientific cooperation with Bernard Host and wrote two papers, where he explicitly mentioned the support of the labex:

1) X.  Bressaud,  F. Durand , A. Maass. Eigenvalues of finite rank Bratteli-Vershik dynamical systems, Submitted.

2) B. Host, B. Kra and Alejandro Maass. Variations on topological recurrence. To appear in Monatshefte für Mathematik.

Finally, he also took the opportunity of his visit to make new contacts, noticeably in the computer sciences department of Marne-la-Vallée.