Visit of professor Zoltan ESIK

February 2012 : Zoltan Esik (Department of Computer Science, Szeged University) visited LIGM 1 month in February 2012. He initiated with Arnaud Carayol a work on the characterization of synchronizations trees definied by systems of functional equations. Together with Luca Aceto and Anna Ingólfsdóttir (School of Computer Science Reykjavik University), they obtained a full characterization for first-order systems. This work provides a unified approach to several classes of synchronization studied in the context of process algebras.

– Arnaud Carayol, Zoltán Ésik: The FC-rank of a context-free language. Inf. Process. Lett. 113(8): 285-287 (2013)
– Luca Aceto, Arnaud Carayol, Zoltán Ésik, Anna Ingólfsdóttir:
Algebraic Synchronization Trees and Processes. ICALP (2) 2012: 30-41
– Arnaud Carayol, Zoltán Ésik:
A Context-Free Linear Ordering with an Undecidable First-Order Theory. IFIP TCS 2012: 104-118