October 2013 : Professor L. Pastur visited LAMA in October 2012, and started a joint work with Guédon and Pajor on central limit theorem for linear statistics of the sum of rank one independent matrices rank one. Loubaton (LIGM) had also the opportunity to interact with L. Pastur on various […]
Nathalie Gambiny
September 2012 : Professor Zenghu Li (Beijing Normal University) visited J.-F. Delmas from 02/09/2012 to 01/10/2012. He gave a talk at the ANR A3 (PI J.-F. Delmas) workshop at CIRM (Marseille) during the first week of september. Then, he worked with J.-F. Delmas on the research programm of his PhD […]
August 2012 : Antoine Deza (Mac Master University, Canada) visited CERMICS from July 1 to August 31. He worked in collaboration with F. Meunier and P. Sarabezolles (CERMICS) on a combinatorial approach to colourful simplicial depth conjecture. The conjecture has been verified in dimension 4, and the known lower bounds […]
February – May 2012 : The professor Alejandro Maass (University of Chile) was invited by Bernard Host for four months from February to May 2012, two of which were financed by the Labex. This was a very fruitful visit. He gave a colloquium Math-info in Marne on “Rigidity results in […]
February 2012 : Zoltan Esik (Department of Computer Science, Szeged University) visited LIGM 1 month in February 2012. He initiated with Arnaud Carayol a work on the characterization of synchronizations trees definied by systems of functional equations. Together with Luca Aceto and Anna Ingólfsdóttir (School of Computer Science Reykjavik University), […]
During the visit of Gabriele Steidl, new solutions for restoration problems involving images corrupted with Poisson noise have been devised. The idea is to employ an Anscombe based approximation which allows the variational problem to be formulated as a constrained convex optimization problem. The constraint is addressed through a novel […]
Prasad Tetali (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta) has been invited for a one month visit during the academic year 2011-2012. He worked with N. Gozlan, C. Roberto (Univ. Paris 10) and P.-M. Samson on optimal transport and its link with the Ricci curvature on discrete spaces. In Riemannian geometry, this […]