Post-doctoral positions

2-years Post-Doctoral research associate in applications of optimal transport and related fields. Gabriele Todeschi was recruited on February 2023.
The Labex Bézout, which gathers CERMICS (ENPC), LAMA and LIGM (Univ. Gustave Eiffel) has hired a Post-Doctoral Research associate to work in the project “New Monge Problems”. The successful candidate has joined a team hosted between these three labs (physically based at Noisy-Champs, Paris area) to work on computational optimal transport and its different application areas. Our team has diverse interests in analysis, optimization, statistics, mathematical finance and machine learning and the candidate will be encouraged to work in a particular subfield of the project.


MathinGreaterParis postdoctoral positions: The Bézout Labex / Research Federation is a member of the MathInGreaterParis, funded by the European Commission under the Horizon2020 research and innovation program, with its partners FSMP and FMJH. The program cofunds post-doctoral positions in the Paris area; the complementary funding is provided through the Bézout Labex. Via this program, we obtained four post-doctoral positions between 2022 and 2026 for the perimeter of the Bézout Labex / Research Federation.

Lampros Gavalakis: from November 2022 in LAMA, UGE, for two years.

Michail Louvaris: from November 2023 in LIGM, UGE, for two years.

Alexi Block Gorman: from September 2024 in LIGM, UGE, for one year.

Annamaria Massimini: from November 2024 in CERMICS, ENPC, for two years.

Of course, individual researchers from our laboratories may offer post-doctoral positions on an individual basis, through grants.

Historical notes.  The Bézout Labex has recently supported three post-doctoral researchers: