January 13th to February 12th, 2015 Professor Imre BARANY is visiting the Bézout Labex Professor Barany is researcher at the Rényi Institute of Mathematics, member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Professor at the University College London. He works in combinatorics, discrete geometry, convexity and their applications in computer science.
Nathalie Gambiny
September 2014 : Three one-month visits of Professor Uli Wagner (Institute of Science and Technology, Austria) are supported by the Labex Bezout for 2014-2016. During the first visit, in september 2014, Uli Wagner gave a talk in the probability seminar (LAMA) on higher-dimensional expanders (which served as an outlook of […]
July and September 2014 : Professor Friedhelm Schieweck (University of Magdeburg) was supported for a two-week visit at the CERMICS Laboratory within the Labex Bezout. The visit took place from 17 to 25 July and from 22 to 26 September 2014. Pr. Schieweck delivered two one-hour lectures in front of […]
May – June – July 2014 : Professor Arturo Kohatsu-Higa has been invited for three months (May, June and July) by the Labex Bézout. He has given a lecture (6 times 3 hours) on”Stochastic Differential Equations with irregular coefficients” in June. This lecture was opened to master students, PhD students […]
February – March 2014 : Professor Jonathan Weare gave a series of four two-hours lectures for PhD students (Ecole Doctorale MSTIC) between February 5th and March 11th 2014. He discussed on various scientific topics, in particular with Mathias Rousset, Eric Cancès and Tony Lelièvre. In particular, J. Weare and T. […]
October 2013 : Professor L. Pastur visited both LAMA and LIGM in October 2013. Guédon, Pajor and Pastur finalized the work initialized during the Pastur’s first stay in 2012, concerning a central limit theorem for linear eigenvalue statistics of the sum of independent matrices of rank one. The corresponding paper […]
June 2013 : Professor Antonio Restivo was invited by Marie-Pierre Beal and Dominique Perrin for one month (june 2013). He has worked at several topics in combinatorics on words, which lead in particular to a chapter (Enumerative Combinatorics on Words) of the CRC Handbook ‘Enumerative Combinatorics’ (Miklos Bona editor). He […]
March – May 2013 : Professor Jean-Luc Guermond (Texas A&M University) was supported for a two-month visit jointly by University Paris-Est and Labex Bézout. The visit took place from 24 March, 2013 to 24 May, 2013. Pr.Guermond offered a graduate course (15 hours, within ED MSTIC) on advanced finite element […]
January – March 2013 : Sergey Bobkov, a professor at University of Minnesota at Minneapolis, visited LAMA for two months from 7 january to 6 march 2013. He gave a series of three lectures devoted to ‘Entropy, central limit theorem, and related problems’. These lectures were related to his recent work […]
March 2013 : M. Jazar (Lebanese University) visited CERMICS in March 2013. He worked in collaboration with R. Monneau on the development of numerical methods to understand the phenomenon of seawater intrusion. The corresponding results have been published in SIAM J. on Appl. Math. in 2014.